Online Meeting…One Third of the Journey

As we reach the one-third mark of our journey with the “Red Flag-Preventing Gender Violence” project, our dedicated team gathered online today to discuss our progress and plan the next steps for the platform’s realization. It’s an exciting time as we dive into the content that will form the foundation of the Red Flag web platform.

So, what can you expect to find on the Red Flag web platform? Here’s an overview of the key features and content that will be available:

Comprehensive Data on Gender Violence

Our platform will provide detailed data on gender violence, breaking down its various forms as defined in the legal systems of our partner countries: Italy, Cyprus, Bulgaria, and Poland. This data aims to shed light on the prevalence and severity of gender-based violence in different regions.

Legal Definitions and Measures

The platform will feature definitions of gender violence, starting with the Istanbul Convention, and outline national measures aimed at combating these issues. This section will help users understand the legal frameworks and protections available in each country.

The Core of Red Flag: Identifying Dangerous Relationships

The heart of the Red Flag platform will focus on helping users identify signs of potentially dangerous relationships. We will provide comprehensive information and practical advice on how to recognize warning signs, take appropriate actions, and access support services.

By providing these resources, the Red Flag web platform aims to empower individuals with knowledge and tools to prevent gender violence and support those affected by it.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement as we work towards a safer, more informed society.
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